Sharing 7 Laws of Universe


While reading spiritual and ancient books such as Hindu Vedas and Buddhist sutras, we come across a common thread of laws of the universe. In Sanskrit, it is referred to as ‘Prakriti niyam’ which is translated as – Law of nature. These laws are mentioned in ancient Egypt and Greek teachings as well. There are […]

Let me hear you say I love myself!!

We human beings believe in the immortal institution of love. We are constantly seeking and trying to love people around us, unconditionally. While trying to climb this mountain of unconditional love, we tend to forget loving ourselves. Sad eh? We have so much love reservoir within us, but unfortunately, it is strictly reserved for someone else. We see […]

40 Rules of Love by Shams Tabrizi

40 Rules of Love by Shams Tabrizi

For all the lovers of life, this post is going to be one of your favorites! I am going to talk about my beloved Shams Tabrizi and his vision of Love. Shams Tabrizi was a Persian poet and spiritual instructor of Rumi and is referenced with great reverence in Rumi’s poetic collection.  Let us take today, and every day […]