A Nameless Emotion

When one is on the road of self-discovery, we meet our emotions and thoughts. And while passing by them, we will see they all have a name. There is an opposite emotion to every emotion; at least there is a different word to describe it. Yet, when one reaches a certain level of self-awareness…

When a mind crosses boundaries of all illusions and imaginations…
When it does not matter which words one choose to express oneself,
They are just not enough to represent our existence…

Now this emotion which I am trying to explain has no opposite…
Because once one reaches that level, there is no turning back…
Since one has already passed all crossroads on the path…
Therefore there is no opposite word for this emotion.
Maybe that’s why there is no word for it….

Just like a cup cannot contain the whole ocean in it, yet can only reflect a part of it…Similar to the crisis where fire cannot be seen yet, smoke still represents the presence of fire. In the parallel sense, words cannot wholly describe emotions yet project a mere reflection of our inside. Only fortunate ones get to experience that nameless emotion. I hope you will be one. Let there be light!

Love and Sunshine.

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