A Wanderer within me

Wanderer within me took us to a place which is named after Rumi (a teahouse). It was Friday night which was a weekly gathering for Sufi and poets. Sitting through the evening session and hearing them chanting hymns, there were two main thoughts in my mind. One was that it was not Rumi (Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī ) or any Sufi’s poems and the second thought was that people were singing with such a spirit as their immense belief lies in them. Impressed by their faith, I have realized that every person has its way of reaching to God and on words for calling HIM.

So I told Wanderer inside me, it’s your journey, and no one else can help you. Everyone is walking towards something and which is entirely different from your desire. If the destination is different, how can path be the same? Heaven, Happiness, Enlightenment, Peace, Salvation and list goes on.  Remembering Paulo Coelho’s  words from the book – The Alchemist

“To realize one’s Personal Legend is a person’s only real obligation.”