Travel Often…

All the great men and women in history gained their knowledge through one simple way – Travelling. Travel makes you wiser and opens up your mind to new experiences. New people and new places bring new energy into our lives. We see, observe, listen and feel things out of our daily routine. Travelling is like […]

Sleep Happy

Never go to bed, angry. Let go of all the negative thoughts. Allow your mind to reboot for the next morning. Think of all the positive things that happened to you throughout the day, even a smile from a stranger. Also though we fall asleep, our subconscious mind is still doing some great work, and […]

The First Step

Hello loved ones, Do you have a big project ahead of you, and you don’t understand where to start? Do things seem bigger than your capacity? Are you thinking of giving up on your dreams because the road is not clear? Please do not let your determination fade away. My yoga instructor once told me […]

I Dare You

Today, I want you to take a moment, put everything aside, I dare you to ask yourself these questions (Actually I double dare you) 🙂 When was the last time you told yourself “good job.” When was the last night you looked in the mirror and said: “Wow, that’s amazing.” When was the last time you […]

A Wanderer within me

Wanderer within me took us to a place which is named after Rumi (a teahouse). It was Friday night which was a weekly gathering for Sufi and poets. Sitting through the evening session and hearing them chanting hymns, there were two main thoughts in my mind. One was that it was not Rumi (Jalāl ad-Dīn […]

Loss of Someone

Hello free waves, Life becomes hard when you lose someone very close to your heart. The loss that creates an empty void that cannot be filled quickly. No piece will work its magic, I know, I understand. I have been there, to be honest, sometimes I still visit that place. Loss of someone very close to […]