Let me hear you say I love myself!!

We human beings believe in the immortal institution of love. We are constantly seeking and trying to love people around us, unconditionally. While trying to climb this mountain of unconditional love, we tend to forget loving ourselves. Sad eh? We have so much love reservoir within us, but unfortunately, it is strictly reserved for someone else. We see beauty all around but within us. When you finish reading this article, Let me hear you say ‘I love myself’! There is nothing wrong with loving people and being a compassionate being; however, it is not right to deprive yourself of all this love you have. It is like guarding a spring of compassion with an idea of serving others but being thirsty yourself. Just like everyone else in this world, you deserve your love, attention, care and kindness too!

 You might be thinking – I love myself, I have career plans, I spend money on myself, I feed myself delicious food, wear fancy clothes and list goes on. Most of the things that you think you do for yourself, you do those things to impress others and seek their approval. I do not count them under loving myself!

Just like you, I am also guilty of falling into the traps of above situations few times. There is always this screen saver in our mind seeking a better version of ourselves. We have felt good enough improvement, and an answer is an improvement, take some time to cherish it and not running after another one. Take a deep breath and feel content about your current achievements. Right now, if your ratio of seeking better and feeling better is highly messed up it is leading to a lack of self-shrinking our being.

Solution is very simple

Own your existence – Accept your body, your thoughts, your goals, your virtues, your vices! Why not! That person standing on the other side of the mirror deserves your compliments just like anyone else. When you start loving everything about yourself, you will be more open to new adventures, risks, making new friends, and new changes that life offers you. The whole experience of adapting the change will transform. When you accept yourself, you will start making mindful choices. It is like a lover who is constantly trying please his beloved, not with an idea of changing her but with an unconditional compassion. You will create a positive energy around you which will guide you towards your goals.

Self Love and Self Acceptance is not a stillness, so do not worry about getting stuck in one place. An act of self-development should come from the place of happiness, not from desperation. Choose love for everyone and most importantly YOURSELF and remember, you are worth it!

As I said, Let me hear you say ‘I love myself.’

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