All We Have Is This Moment


When one moment comes, the other is gone already. For this simple moment, look at how much fuss we create! How much violence, ambition, struggle, conflict, anger, hatred, just for this small moment! We are traveling through this world and waiting to unlock our own potential. Life is only available at this present moment. The […]

Vibes Don’t Lie


We try to conceal ourselves because we are scared of the world. The gap between our public image and the reality is growing, leaving a void because the idea of perfection is fading. I believe our vibes; our energy doesn’t lie. Existence is energy – mind, body, and soul is energy. Let’s find a way […]

The Flow of Life


We hear this often ‘Life is short.’ True story, but miserably, we use this proverb according to our convenience, e.g., partying or enjoying a dessert. How about remembering this quote when we are holding a grudge or keep piling on lies and deceits in our minds? If life is too short, it is quick to […]