You Do Not Deserve This

Dear Fellow Human Being, You are born wild, and You do not deserve to be tamed! Tell yourself, You do not deserve this! All those toxic words you have to listen, All those fears they try to pin on your mind, All those giggles they aim at your dreams, All those judgmental stares inspecting your individuality, All those […]

Voicing Our Opinion

Voicing our opinion requires awareness. Awareness is not only a one-time act. It is usually throughout the life process, a person’s awareness is reflected through one’s day-to-day acts and words. This is what we often hear from many people around us, and even we say this “I don’t care, or I don’t want to get […]

Beautiful Dawn

Pretty morning loved ones!!! It is beautiful dawn, just like your heart, don’t forget to smile. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that everything is going to alright. If you believe it will be… Always keep your faith in your pocket so that you can look at it when you need to. Dawn […]

What is Life?

Pretty Morning loved ones, I hope your day was beautiful and you are feeling good about it. I am feeling Buddhaful today. What is life? I get this question all the time from others as well as from my mind. Tough or let’s say a very simple question, but the answer could be anything. I […]

A Dose of Divine Love

Few days back, I have written about an emotion which has no conflicting emotion. Since this emotion is the last step of all human emotions, it is impossible to turn back. Just like it is impossible to find a droplet after being merged into an ocean. There is no coming back for a river to its […]