Self Belief is Your Answer

Self Belief is Your Answer!

“If you believe in yourself and have dedication inspirational_quote_muhammad_aliand pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards” Paul Bryant

What is stopping you from being yourself? What are the obstacles? Let’s talk about it, is it shyness? Is it laziness? Is it lack of discipline? Who is standing between you and your success?

Just like everyone else, there was a time when I lacked in self-belief. I thought I couldn’t do certain things because of this or that. With a list of excuses for every situation that I did not want to face in life. I did not want to get out of my comfort zone because it felt ok there. There was no self-discipline because there was no firm self-belief.

Over the time, I have learned that it was “fear of failure” which was shaking grounds of my self-belief. Nobody likes failure, why because failures are seen negatively and sometimes shameful. For example, we think failing an exam will make us look like an idiot, making a mistake on a work project will make us look stupid in front of others. This whole negative perspective on failure is a big hurdle on our way. What will happen if we fail? People will not accept us, or we will be seen as outliers…but you have to know that most of the revolutionary people like Socrates, Martin Luther King, even Jesus were not completely socially acceptable. But if they were scared to put themselves out there due to fear of failure, would our world be the same? Give it a thought.

There is a famous story of Alexander the Great. When he was a boy, he visited the Delphic Oracle wishing to hear a prophecy before pursuing his dream of conquering the world. But when he reached the temple, he was refused because it was a recess time. He was not allowed to see oracle.  Determined to see Oracle, he entered the temple anyways and dragged oracle Pythia to the temple.  She protested, “You are invincible, my son!” The moment he heard these words he released her, saying, “Now I have my prophecy”  Alexander saw conquering the world as his destiny.

Not being perfect and not having people agree with me are not negative things. We need to learn to see them in a positive way and embrace them by letting go of fear. Take mistakes as a feedback which is necessary to grow and learn. To build a strong self-belief and overcome these fears will need a lot of self-talking and practice. And when you practice and develop this habit, you will realize that all the fears you had in the past were just some imaginary ghosts.

You are invincible!

Take this with you today:

  • Mistakes are ok. We learn from them; we improve by our earlier results.
  • Put yourself out there without worrying about whether people will accept you.
  • Do not listen to the negative self-talk that normally holds you back.
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Push your limits.
  • Do not be afraid of failure. Absolutely disregard the fear of failure before any project.
  • Try to see failures positively, something motivational. See failures as a teacher who is pushing you towards the road of success.
  • Trust yourself. Give yourself a motivational speech. Write yourself some encouraging words.
  • And most importantly, stick to this habit. Do not give up. You are braver than your fears. Practice self-discipline.

Love and Sunshine. Keep Feeling Buddhaful.

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