Preach Less Practice More!

Preach less Practice More!

Hello all the beautiful readers,

How was your day today? Have you noticed something about yourself? Well I did, I saw that we preach others more valuable lessons than practicing ourselves. Just imagine if all those advice we give others, we apply in our life. Health tips, diet tips, beauty remedies, career choices, stress-free, inspirational quotes – all those positive preachings. And if we start applying to our life, we may not even need to preach them no more, because we will become a vivid example, people will begin trying those tips and your advice if they see it working for you. We all know actions speak louder than words.

The idea is the focus of our energy and concentration.

The focus should be on practicing rather than pretending or preaching. A discussion of our being should be on experiencing the moments and changes in our life. There is a vast difference between preaching and practice, just as there is a difference between pretending and experiencing. I am sure we do not want to waste ourselves on pretending. Instead, we want to experience the journey that they call ‘life.’ ❤️

Happy Reading and Remember to Preach Less and Practice More—love and Sunshine from Feeling Buddhaful.

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